[MLB-WIRELESS] Working Group Content.

Ryan McMullan ryan at ozforces.com.au
Tue Dec 16 10:58:24 EST 2003

I'm wondering what the wider wireless community thinks about 
starting a working group/mail list in relation to providing content
on the MW network.  It just seems that we are entering a
unique stage in the development of MW, in which people are setting up
stable links and after spending the inevtiable 3 days clearing each other
out of mp3's/divx's are sitting around going.... so what do we do with our
links now? Ping?

Hence I'm just bouncing the idea off you guys to see if you think if there
is any merit in creating such a working group.  Whether its just an mailing
list for people setting up gaming servers/creating debian mirrors/setting
up shoutcast servers/setting up VoIP, i think there is sufficient scope
to warrant a setting up of such a grou/list.



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