[MLB-WIRELESS] RMIT City Campus Wireless Trials

Julien Goodwin jgoodwin at chriskaine.com.au
Wed Dec 10 16:28:24 EST 2003

On Wed, Dec 10, 2003 at 02:58:51PM +1100, Gabrielle Harrison & Paul van den Bergen arranged a set of bits into the following:
> Swinburnes (Hawthorn) access is not encrypted... and they have no 
> hassles... :-)  because they use a secure network regime [1] for their 
> whole network that requires all users to authenticate prior to having 
> access.  Just like anyone running any corporate network should do.

Exactly, the fact is the only unencrypted traffic on the network is
DHCP, EVERYTHING else MUST pass through the IPSEC VPN.

> [1] one can argue if cisco VPN and Novel are secure network regimes...
They are, if they're well set up, and swinburnes arn't too bad.
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