[MLB-WIRELESS] New RG stuff in the Wiki

Dan Flett conhoolio at hotmail.com
Sat Dec 6 14:58:28 EST 2003

>Jeeze, how bored can you get?!?

Hehe yeah.  Ever have one of those days at work where these's absolutely 
nothing at all to do?

Actually I had fun exploring the capabilities of the locfinder map server.  
You can actually zoom right out and see all of Australia.  There are quite a 
few nodes dotted throughout Victoria which are beyond the edges of the 
Melbourne maps on the Locfinder home page.

My next project is to make a gigantic map made up of a 3x3 tile of "huge" 
maps of the melbourne area.  The trick is making the edges of each map tile 
line up exactly with the map next door.  I need to know what how the 
distance between lines of lattitude differs to the distance between lines of 
longitude.  Otherwise the tiles will have gaps or overlapping bits.


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