[MLB-WIRELESS] my antenna install pics

Cameron McCormack clm at csse.monash.edu.au
Mon Apr 21 18:30:05 EST 2003

David Ng:
> Yeah, I'd love to connect up the whole estate.  Since we're all RIMm'ed here
> (ie no ADSL) and don't have access to cable,

Erk, that's no good.

> we could set up a file mirror (with linux ISOs, large downloads, or
> something along those lines), for all the other poor sods who have to
> struggle on dialup.
> Later on when I have enough time, I'd love to grab an omni and start
> something local up.
> Rumour has it your'e moving into the area Cameron?  Maybe we could start
> something up?

I am planning to move out of home some time this year, the exact time
will probably depend on my friend's getting another job.  Somewhere both
close to uni and to my other friend (whose house it is can be seen from
one of your photos (he's in Elmwood Crescent, past the estate) is where
I'd like to go.

I was considering renting one of the places in the new estate, but if
they don't have ADSL or cable access, then I think I'll have to dismiss
that straight away.

Maybe someone in an older house nearby the estate can serve out the
broadband over the wireless?  (I can't remember, is this legal if
there's no profit in it, or only if there's no money changing hands at

Anyway, I'd still love to be involved in setting up something like this!


Cameron McCormack
  // clm at csse.monash.edu.au
  // http://www.csse.monash.edu.au/~clm/
  // icq 26955922

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