[MLB-WIRELESS] Making the thing that extends to the focal point

John Dalton john.dalton at bigfoot.com
Fri Apr 11 09:54:48 EST 2003

> Excuse the very vague subject but I have no idea what the pole thingy that 
> extends to the focal point is called. :)

The thing at the end of the pole is called 'the primary antenna'.
The combination of the pole and primary antenna is 'the
feed assembly'.  As far as I know there isn't actually a
standard term for just the bit which holds the primary antenna
in place.

Many people would also call any of the above 'the antenna feed',
though it is ambigous as to whether this refers to
just the primary antenna or the entire assembly.

Anyway I'm way off on a tagent here.  I'm sure you didn't
want a philosophical discussion on the thing in the middle
of a parabolic antenna.  Quite sad really, but you don't
get to chose your answers on a mailing list! ;-)

In the absence of any other contenders, I hereby propose that we
call the 'pole thingy that extends to the focal point' a

                 * yongkat *

As in "I dropped my antenna and broke it's yongkat".

John D.

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