[MLB-WIRELESS] Wireless woes

Graeme Grundill pogmahon at datafast.net.au
Sat Apr 5 09:24:38 EST 2003


Iv'e got a Draytek 2600we wireless router/modem/AP which is showing 
signs of no RF activity. I have run dstumbler from my laptop to confirm 
this fact and was hoping "someone" may also have one of these beasts and 
perhaps hit the same problem?

In the wireless setup menu i have disabled / enabled access control and 
added MAC addys of other cards on my network ...makes no difference
also i have SSID disabled and channel selection is appropriate <ch 10> 
on all wirelss devices.

If i run my laptop <orinoco gold/FreeBSD> and kids PC <DWL-520+/WinXP> 
in adhoc mode, i can ping each way but the router remains devoutly 
silent. I suspect the wireless side of things has fallen over but dont 
want to hit the panic button just yet incase i have overlooked something 

Any help warmly received on this problem

Graeme Grundill

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