[MLB-WIRELESS] Here comes the pain...

Dale Clapperton dale at blackbird.net.au
Fri Sep 20 14:04:07 EST 2002

On Fri, 2002-09-20 at 14:01, sanbar wrote:
> This is bad. All of a sudden the 2.4GHz band is to become very crowded.
> Just say I set up an AP with an omni right next to the wisp's AP and pump 
> out 4W? Who's interests are best served - commercial or community? Who 
> will adjudicate on any location/signal overlap disputes? What if my AP 
> causes the commercial AP to lose business?
> *Sigh* It's now us against them. Maybe it's time to start and talk 
> about strategic alliances of mutual benefit?
> Please someone tell me I am wrong.

I'm waiting on DCITA to fax me a copy of the determination.  Until we
know exactly what it says, its just speculation.


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