[MLB-WIRELESS] Effect of weather on wireless links

David Ng nudge at d2.net.au
Mon Sep 16 22:54:37 EST 2002

How much will varying weather conditions affect the performance of a
wireless link?
More specifically, conditions such as temperature, humidity, rain/fog
(smog?), electrical activity and pressure?

After experiencing a vast spectrum of weather over the past few weeks (ie 1
very windy, rainy and harsh storm a few weeks back, and a 27C sunday
followed by a rainy and very windy monday), i was wondering how peoples
wireless links stood up to it.

I am interested in linking with a node which is 2.3km away, across a valley.
Last winter, there was very thick fog across it, and even during light rain,
i can only just make out his roof.  Also, we are near the top of two facing
hills (he is situated near the police academy), so lightning strikes can get


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