[MLB-WIRELESS] Connecting nodes/clusters and expanding the mesh via Internet tunnels.

evilbunny evilbunny at sydneywireless.com
Mon Sep 9 11:16:20 EST 2002

Hello Paul,

Ok here's how ADSL works...

at the exchange Telstra or any other provider with their own DSLAMs
(sorry I don't recall acronym meaning) plug the copper from your phone
line into that device...

Just as with all asymmetric devices, they are designed specifically, to
connect to a digital device at the exchange, HDSL or PAPL devices are
designed to connect to each other and ISPs among others have been
using these devices (perhaps not as much now) as MUCH cheaper
alternatives for backbone links to their providers then they could get
with fibre, the latency is also much smaller on these devices then
ADSL, 2ms or less...

As far as I'm aware the only reason modem to modem stuff was able to
happen was due to the backward compatibility with even older analog
standards that were originally designed for this purpose...

Best regards,
 evilbunny                            mailto:evilbunny at sydneywireless.com

http://www.SydneyWireless.com - Exercise your communications
freedom to make it do what you never thought possible... 

Monday, September 9, 2002, 10:53:13 AM, you wrote:

PvdB> Hi all,

PvdB> just hold on a second...  maybe I should clarify.  I don't know 
PvdB> specifics about ADSL modems.  I do know how they work in general terms 
PvdB> (point to point w/- the exchange then over the backbone network to the 
PvdB> ISP). I am also familiar with FR and ATM and ISDN/BISDN setups, etc.

PvdB> none of the answers so far have answered my question.  when an ADSL 
PvdB> modem is set up it creates a channel (VNC on the ISP's VNP for ATM??) to 
PvdB> the ISP.  it is still just a connection between two points, the ISP and 
PvdB> the home user.  the fact that it goes over an ATM or FR network does not 
PvdB> really matter.  Is there a physical reason I cannot (if telstra is 
PvdB> cooperative, etc.) set up a connection between my ADSL modem and a 
PvdB> friends on another exchange, presuming that the appropriate FR or ATM 
PvdB> channel is established between the two exchanges?  Next question is what 
PvdB> is required to get telstra to allow such a connection? cost and 
PvdB> permission?  who do you talk to in telstra to do this?  I am sure this 
PvdB> service is available because ISDN networks between businesses located on 
PvdB> different sites work this way, IIRC...

PvdB> thanks in advance...

PvdB> wireless at shippen.net wrote:

>>Quoting Paul van den Bergen <paul at serc.rmit.edu.au>:
>>>I am largely unfamiliar with ADSL modems etc. but I am certainly aware
>>>of modem links P2P (aka apana???)  that is another option surely... we
>>>have inet over telephones (and cables) + telephony to chose from.  can
>>>you do ADSL modem to ADSL modem connections? over the phone lines...?
>>No. ADSL only works via a ADSL modem point to point to the Telstra Exchange.
>>It is then routed via Frame Relay or ATM through to the ISP of your choice.
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