[MLB-WIRELESS] Looking for 2 access points...

James Healy jimmy at deefa.com
Sat Oct 26 12:10:14 EST 2002

Hi everyone..

A couple of weeks ago, we jumped up on my roof with a 4m mast and a 24dbi
galaxy to see what we could stumble from up there.

There were 3 AP's that i could see, and was just wondering if people could
confirm where they are, as I'm curious as to how far we could see :-)

One of them 22222, i know is over collingwood way, as I've found it on
wardrives of my own.

The other 2 were '285764', and  'albertwiora'. Both were in the
collingwood/richmond area...



Personal: jimmy at deefa.com / Work: worker at aycs.org.au
MSN: jimmy at deefa.com / ICQ: 6370237
web: www.deefa.com

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