[MLB-WIRELESS] Fw: Paul Swain: Wireless - A Government Perspective

Steve Wright paua at quicksilver.net.nz
Tue Oct 8 04:17:19 EST 2002

Barry Park wrote:

A lot of this is either pie-in-the-sky, or just plain bullshit.

>Wireless - A Government Perspective
>In the government's Growth and Innovation Framework, released earlier this
>year, we set the target of lifting New Zealand back into the top half of the
>OECD. To do so we will need to improve on our current economic growth rates.

which is very little to do with internet access for the masses.

>The global market for mobile internet services is currently in the very
>early, innovator, stage of the market adoption cycle. This means that now is
>the right time to enter the marketplace.

for who ?

>We are an attractive test bed for wireless/mobile technologies for a number
>of reasons
>- Lots of available spectrum

yeah ?  where, and with what equipment ?  802.11b with its <<20 channels ?

>- We also have telcos deploying both of the major 2.5G technology standards
>(GPRS & CDMA). In most countries it's one or the other. This means companies
>can test on both platforms.

heh, how much will that cost per MB ?

>The spectrum sold included wireless local loop spectrum at 3.4 GHz. The
>spectrum is suitable for point to multipoint two-way communications up to
>approximately 15 Km, on a partial line-of-sight basis. Nine blocks of
>wireless local loop spectrum, each comprising nationwide management rights,
>were bought by four different companies.

what gear will they use for that ? and how much will it cost ?

>Broadband Project (PROBE)
>The government committed tens of millions to the project, which will involve
>14 regional tenders to deliver two-way high speed (at least 512 Kbps for
>secondary schools) internet rolled to most schools and communities by the
>end of 2003 the remainder by 2004.

512 KBit/sec to the internet ?  I got a quote for bandwidth/data for a 
block of 50 users, and it was $tens of thousands, ahem, per month.
Who will pay for that ?  the users, at over a grand a month ?  not.

>The Request for Information for the broadband project was released in July.
>There were a large number of responses

a large number ?  why did they extend the deadline then ?

>About 10 responses were substantial ones, covering the entire country or
>multiple regions. The Request for Proposal will be released in late October.

That's just GREAT !  What about my feeble attempt to slap up a couple of 
nodes for local schools and businesses  ?  
Just went down the drain I reckon.

>Wireless technologies will have a big part to play in PROBE, especially in
>remote areas with rugged topography. It is envisaged that in a number of
>areas solutions will take the form of a combination of technologies ie -
>wire, wireless and satellite.

wire ? ahhh, DSL. 4 mbit bi-directional over DSL, ooooo, can't be 
done...  woops !
10GByte of DSL here is $$thousands..  and that's a home connection, not 
a business connection.

4mbit bi-directional over satellite ?  Yeah ?  Who does that ?  Shit, 
how much will that cost per link ?  ..if you can even buy it.

I have read the probe RFI, and it all looks bloody stupid.  I just 
cannot see how they are going to pull that off using 30mW links around 
thae place.
They want 4MBit bidirectional, full video streaming to all schools.. 
 duh, what if some smartarse decides to do a "video broadcast to all 
schools" heh heh..  I'd like to see the network survive that..

Go for it boys - I hope you can pull it off, and I hope you can continue 
to artifically fund the market you have artifically created.


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