[MLB-WIRELESS] wireless card chip sets.

paul van den bergen pvandenbergen at swin.edu.au
Mon Nov 25 13:50:23 EST 2002

Hi all,

just a quick question...

the wireless cards (ex-skynet, Enterasys), what chipset do they use. I have 
heard discussion that skynet = eterasys = orinoco. is this actually shown, or 
rumour, and what chipset is it using?

To expand the question,  

has anyone had or know of problems with particular chipsets?  What chipsets 
are there? 
Hermes, Prism II (and presumably prism I) , any others???  I have a pair of 
old wavelan 650 mW cards some of you may have seen @ the installfest... 
anyone have any idea OTTOTH what chipset they use?

chipset/PCCARD combos that work/don't work?

Most important, does anyone have any hardware (PCMCIA cradles OR 802.11b 
wireless cards that they would recommend people avoid>???

Dr Paul van den Bergen
Centre for Advanced Internet Architectures
pvandenbergen at swin.edu.au
would somebody get this walking carpet out of my way?

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