[MLB-WIRELESS] [NODEEAI] Backbone Idea - Highrise Housing

Jeremy Lunn jeremy at austux.net
Fri May 17 21:05:06 EST 2002

On Wed, May 15, 2002 at 10:15:21PM +1000, Ryan Abbenhuys wrote:
> think "Intranet" not "Internet"

The difference lies on the capitalisation.   The 'Internet' is a noun
and there is only one of these.  An internet on the other hand is a
large network made up of smaller interconnected networks and is exactly
what we are doing with home LANs etc.

However the term internet (note with a lower case I as it is not a noun)
means a private network that has restricted access.  A corporate network
would fit this description, as well as a home network that doesn't form
part of a public network (including when they have NAT to connect to the
Internet or other networks).  Melb-wireless definitely is not a

Jeremy Lunn
Melbourne, Australia
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