[MLB-WIRELESS] client or AP?

dwayne dwayne at pobox.com
Fri May 17 20:14:52 EST 2002

Jeremy Lunn wrote:

> Where are free t-shirts going to come from?  

Brotherhood bins?

> what extra content services and why should we 
> be keeping such content exclusive?  

Street cred?

> A discount card
> may work.

Discounts on what?

> Probably the best and most realistic incentive would be to provide
> support by volunteers to those who are setting up routing nodes and/or
> APs.  Perhaps sponsorship could fund some things though.

Ehhhh, keep money out of it.
Like, lob *stuff* around, but don't lob *cash*

I'm not quite sure what we could provide, other than cool points. 
Support is probably a very good suggestion. 
I think that mojo scheme is a better one but hey, we've done that one to


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