[MLB-WIRELESS] was: Can 802.11... >> Official statement on utility-corp telco infrastructure

Nick Sibbing nick at artful.com.au
Wed May 15 14:26:13 EST 2002

Tony Langdon wrote:
There's a milkbar at
> > least every
> > square kilometer in Melbourne. That's widespread coverage. I had a
> > business model worked out which used this as a keystone but I can't be
> > bothered with it (too complex, too costly, too much hassle) so hey,
> > perhaps we should speak to the milkbar owners association with an eye
> > towards utilising our synergies, baby.
> Hehe, milkbat internet...  However, the number of milk bars is falling
> rapidly.  Supermarkets have gobbled up their customers.

I love this idea but see no revenue (and therefore no interest)
in it for milkbars. But it got me thinking what about Scout Halls?

Same sort of density and each one is used by a community group
who might be persuaded to club together to get the gear to
communicate with other scout groups and amongst themselves.
Venturers 14-18 and Rovers 18-26 would seem to be the right
sections of the scout association to target.(Similar profile to
us in terms of gender and age.) My dim memories were that there
were always lots of practical tradies in Rovers to help with
masts etc 

Whats in it for the Scout Association? Help develop computer and
networking skills and their members have fun playing online
games doing it

What would we have to do to do it? Write an article for
Venturer/Rover newsletters and offer to come along to their
meetings to demonstrate. My experience was program  organisers
are usually hanging out for new ideas. I guess we will have to
wait until we have suitable "demo squads"

Kind Regards
Nick Sibbing
Artful Solutions
Fax (613) 9728 8294  Ph (613) 9728 8220
O438 22 4054

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