[MLB-WIRELESS] Payments? Try B-Pay.

Robert Tchia robert.tchia at palantir.com.au
Sun May 12 15:17:21 EST 2002

> If the banks charge $1 or so per transaction you would simply add that
> to
> the price of the card.  We as a group need to start making things a
> easier for the people who put in a lot of hard work organizing them
> wise you will find in a very short period of time your supply lines
> be
> cut because people just dont want the hassle even though they really
> want
> to help.


> My personal opinion for the B-Pay system is to have a token membership
> for Melbourne Wireless and issue a card which has a number on it.  You
> that number into the system as your customer reference number.  This
> make it far easier for traking payments and in my opinion very easy
> most
> (there is always someone that has a problem with something but that is
> life)
> people to pay the money as well.

I think this is a very good idea. Have a working group and if the
working group have enough members then the WG have a vote and decide on
the type of system we will use. Or maybe the WG offer 2 options and all
members vote to decide.


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