Clae clae at tpg.com.au
Sat May 11 03:49:38 EST 2002

Announcing the brand shiny new Apple Wiki page at 

"Welcome all users of Apple hardware and software in Melbwireless. 
This page is your resource; feel free to add content, links, 
questions and advice here.

Open to all people using or considering using Apple Macintosh 
computer hardware, Apple Airport cards or base stations, Apple 
Newtons, MacOS 8, 9 or X, Linux or other Unixoids on Mac hardware, 
and even Windows emulators on a Mac. "

There's not too much there right now, but it's open for business, so 
cheggidout.  Your comments and contributions welcome.

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= CHANGE OF ADDRESS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
         clae13 at yahoo.com        is no more
          clae at tpg.com.au        is where it's at
   Please change your address book entry if you have one

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