[MLB-WIRELESS] HOT and NAKED: The Pacific Monolithics hack

Tony Langdon tlangdon at atctraining.com.au
Fri May 10 08:39:04 EST 2002

> Yo, yo, yo. If anyone gets their kicks from looking at fuzzy 
> photos of 
> NAKED CIRCUITRY and imagining the warm glow of HOT SOLDER, I've put a 

Don't forget the smell of burning flux. ;-)

> pictorial guide to a hack of a Pacific Monolithics 
> down-converter online. It's a bit rough and needs some 
> cleaning up, but 
> if anyone looks at it and thinks it misses something let me 
> know and I'll 
> change it.
> Oh, the URL is http://wireless.bur.st

Nice site! :-)  Now, I want to see if I can keep my converter intact and
attach it to an offset fed dish that I have...  and then the Galaxy antenna
would be free for WLAN use. :)  Only 15dBi though. :(

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