[MLB-WIRELESS] Dirty big dish...

Julian Featherston Julian at concentrate.com.au
Thu Jun 20 21:19:02 EST 2002

> > It's not possible to have too much gain. ;-)
> Legally speaking, it is. Not that it is a real issue in practice.

Bit of poetic licence there - It's not possible to have too much receive

> > Simply use some of the better wi-fi gear that allows one
> > antenna to be
> > used for Tx and another for Rx.
> Nup. It's diversity. Transmit and receive is always done on 
> the same antenna. Whichever antenna gives the highest receive 
> signal strength, that is the one used.
> Again, those two antenna outputs are NOT TX and RX. 

I'm NOT talking about diversity.
This is the option: www.concentrate.com.au/misc/selant.gif

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