[MLB-WIRELESS] Dirty big dish...

Ben Ryan ben at bssc.edu.au
Thu Jun 20 20:25:51 EST 2002

>> It's likely that it will give you to much gain, even if you 
>> did make a 2.4 GHz to feed it (such as a cantenna).
> It's not possible to have too much gain. ;-)

Legally speaking, it is. Not that it is a real issue in practice.

> Simply use some of the better wi-fi gear that allows one antenna to be
> used for Tx and another for Rx.
> Use the large dish for Rx and a smaller dish for Tx.
> The WAP-11 and other Linksys gear will do it.
> The Mikro Tik gear will too.
> And so will all the 350 series Cisco stuff.

Nup. It's diversity. Transmit and receive is always done on the same antenna.
Whichever antenna gives the highest receive signal strength, that is the one

Again, those two antenna outputs are NOT TX and RX. They are simply two choices
of antenna for the radio to use for communication, e.g. in case one antenna has LoS
to the other node the other antenna doesn't.
If in doubt, check the circuit diagrams around on the net.

This is a common misconception, and I'd hate to build a rig just to find things
don't work the way they've been reported :)

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