[MLB-WIRELESS] Wireless press.

evilbunny evilbunny at sydneywireless.com
Thu Jun 20 14:41:50 EST 2002

Hello lkhoo,

Tony was reducing the output of the transmit of the card, and
increasing the gain on the dish, it's a numbers game, you loose off 1
side of the equation you make up for on the other...

may go in 4mW, may come out 400W depending what antenna you have in
line with it... (this was an extreme but possible answer)

Best regards,
 evilbunny                            mailto:evilbunny at sydneywireless.com

http://www.SydneyWireless.com - Exercise your communications
freedom to make it do what you never thought possible... 

Thursday, June 20, 2002, 2:02:31 PM, you wrote:

lcca> hmm ... in the article it says "The other legal issue is that the high-gain
lcca> antenna may make the signal stronger than the legal limit".

lcca> From the stuff that Tony posted today about high power low gain antenna's
lcca> vs low power high gain antennas isn't the above statement quite misleading?

lcca> So something like 4mW is still 4mW (or less) regardless of if it comes out
lcca> of a high gain antenna or not?

lcca> Am I on the right track here?

lcca> Lucas

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