[MLB-WIRELESS] More NodeDB changes

Robert Tchia robert.tchia at palantir.com.au
Mon Jun 10 18:59:16 EST 2002

>   There is currently about 45 regions across all states and
>   territories in the country, I am currently looking for expressions
>   of interest in managing the other regions, so far Sydney, Adelaide
>   and Mudgee are covered, with an offer to the existing admin of
>   Melbourne Wireless, if they wish to take me up on it to manage the
>   Melbourne section. There will be backup scripts, so that these
>   people can keep additional backups apart from what currently
>   happens.

The offer is been extended to us (melb-wireless) to manage our area and
I think it is time for us to take part in this nodedb. Are we going to
have a vote on this at the group meet? Or Shall we just reply to this
list and give the ok for Mr President to accept this offer.


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