[MLB-WIRELESS] Re: Node DB Update

John Dalton john.dalton at bigfoot.com
Wed Jun 5 15:52:10 EST 2002

evilbunny at nodedb.com wrote:
> There was an in depth discussion all day yesterday on the melb
> wireless mailing about inactive or non-responsive nodes in node db's,
> and basically the conclusion most are drawing is the following...
> which has now been implemented...
> email me or post a comment if you have other ideas/suggestions on how
> this could/should be carried out... 

I would suggest that expired nodes NOT be removed from
the database.  Instead, they should be flagged as expired
and not shown by default.  This allows someone to reactivate
their expired node, without having to reenter all information.
It also allows someone looking to connect to search through
expired nodes as a last resort. Displaying expired nodes should
be an option.  Of course a node owner should be able to explictly
delete their node from the database.


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