[MLB-WIRELESS] RG1000 A infrastructure component

Simon Hall simonh at auschar.com.au
Wed Jun 5 10:48:41 EST 2002

After some fiddling and investigation with some imported RG1000's I have
discovered that they can be reflashed (successfully) with the Lucent AP500
firmware and apparently the AP1000 also.  You do lose the modem
functionality.  There are lots of sites about doing simple mods for external

For those who don't know the RG 1000 is basically an Apple Airport in a
different case.

The best thing of all is that with this you can use POE and stick it in a
weatherproof box on your antenna.  Seattle Wireless are doing just that and
have been doing so for some time.

The next thing I want to try is being able to use it as a repeater of sorts.
I.E. have a splitter with Two antennas and the Ethernet connected to it.
Hopefully the result will be to repeat the signal  and be able to connect
the internal network as well.  Comments suggestions on if this is feasible
or not would be useful.


Simon Hall

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