[MLB-WIRELESS] FW: [EFA-Alert] Privacy of communication under attack - Contact MPs

sanbar sandbar at ozemail.com.au
Mon Jun 3 11:52:36 EST 2002

Can you cc all your e-mails you send to the list? (No, just kidding!)
It's a privacy thing. Concerns about potential abuse of powers 
rather than self-incrimination.
You don't *need* to be paranoid. A healthy dose of skepticism 
(/me points to Clae's .sig) is enough :-) 
- Barry

On Mon, 3 Jun 2002, Greg wrote:

> Is it just me, or are you people paranoid or into illegal stuff?
> Other than the overheads of the general bandwith reductions I cant think of
> any reason I would be worried if anyone read all my email.

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