[MLB-WIRELESS] Proceedings at next meeting.

Clae clae at tpg.com.au
Sun Jun 2 20:54:31 EST 2002


12.  Notice of General meetings

(2)  Notice may be sent-
	(a)  by prepaid post to the address appearing in the register 
of members
	(b)  if the member requests, by facsimile transmission or 
electronic transmission

This is exactly what I said in reply to your last letter.
I take it you'll be requesting the latter?

At 11:33 AM +1000 1/6/02, dean wrote:
>Clae, you're wrong. Plain and simple. But like I said if you want to 
>waste other peoples money that's fine by me.
>>That's why god invented the internet, there is no reason for any
>>'bulk mailouts' that you are describing. I agree there should be a
>>membership fee- and I'm happy to contribute BUT the day you do a
>>mailout is the day I resign from your association.
>Sorry, it's required under the model rules, unless the member has
>*specifically* said email is OK.  Apparently the government thinks
>paper mail is more "real" than email.
>Not our fault, promise

David Clae Gason
Secretary, Melbourne Wireless
mailto:secretary at wireless.org.au

i hate anarchists. i think there should be a law against them  -tahl

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