[MLB-WIRELESS] US DoD works to improve wireless transmissions

Dwayne dwayne at pobox.com
Sat Jul 27 16:36:08 EST 2002


DoD Dreams of Efficient Spectra 

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), the research arm
of the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) is working on technology to
improve bandwidth use in wireless communications systems by a factor of

Details on the XG Communications Program are still sketchy. However, a
spokesperson for the agency said that it is looking at systems that can
redistribute existing wireless capacity on the fly. This would enable
more efficient use of currently available bandwidth as devices could
"share" spectrum more efficiently.

"This is a program to develop a radio frequency system to dynamically
assign existing spectrum," DARPA spokesperson Jan Walker told Unstrung.

The eventual aim, she says, is to create technology that will allow
individual wireless devices to "listen" and grab chunks of existing
bandwidth that weren't being used by other devices.

mailto:ddraig at pobox.com

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