[MLB-WIRELESS] A few questions....

Peter Sbarski sbarski at optushome.com.au
Fri Jul 26 20:18:17 EST 2002

Hi everyone, 
I have a few relatively simple questions to ask and I hope you can help
1)      Assuming I have all hardware setup and ready, how should I go
about connecting to the network/AP? Who should I call / email / etc….? 
How long does it usually take to connect?
2)      Has anybody from Bentleigh / McKinnon / Ormond / Moorabin been
3)  If I get this Wireless Access Point (HYPERLINK
m.au/Scripts/xworks.exe?PART:F5423#Tof) will I be able to connect to the
network with more than one computer? 
How will the I.P. addresses be allocated then?  
Thank you, all.
I look forward to joining your wireless community.
Peter Sbarski

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