[MLB-WIRELESS] Multicast

Toliman toliman at ihug.com.au
Thu Jul 18 20:57:32 EST 2002

----- Original Message -----
From: "Andrew Griffiths" <nullptr at tasmail.com>
To: <melbwireless at wireless.org.au>
Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2002 7:51 PM
Subject: [MLB-WIRELESS] Multicast

> Hi *,
> Out of curiosity, do people want to be able to multicast?
> AFAI understand it, we'll need to run a thinger to do exactly that, like
MOSPF (multicast OSPF).

iirc, you can run GRE tunnels to route multicast traffic over standard
network connections (that don't have  multicast routing support), OSPF is
not as necessary quite yet, but it can be used. the problem is not in
support, it's in protocols and applications, the most routing so far will
do, is to route from AP to AP.
it's an idea though...

ask the routing workgroup for practicals and working examples of how to set
it up, or how it would/wouldn't work.


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