[MLB-WIRELESS] Skynet Global Roamabout on XP

Jon Pamment jon at icaust.com
Wed Jul 17 10:14:05 EST 2002

Hi Guy's,
I am having trouble getting the roamabouts from the tib offer running on
my laptop (HP xe3)with XP Pro.

I can get a connection peer to peer no probs with WEP off. As soon as I
try to enable WEP on the laptop the system seems to hang for a while
then returns but the card appears inoperative.
Net stumbler can no longer see it.
The steady light is on, on the card.
The other light blinks
But no connection.

I downloaded the latest drivers from entrasys but still the same

BTW Netstumbler running on the laptop can see the other end of the peer
(Belkin card and adaptor also on XP Pro) and the belkin card shows with
the lock icon. I guess the roamabout card must be able to see something
or net stumbler wouldn't know about the belkin card

Anyone got any ideas, Ive been fighting this for about a week.


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