[MLB-WIRELESS] FW: [NEWS-L] Next round of Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) wor kshops

Tyson.Clugg at csiro.au Tyson.Clugg at csiro.au
Mon Jul 15 13:11:09 EST 2002


I found the workshop quite useful, I recommend that you should attend if you
intend on implementing IPv6 within the next 12 months.


   Tyson.Clugg at csiro.au
 Treasurer at wireless.org.au
   B/H: +61 3 9545 8117
   A/H: +61 3 9887 0117
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> -----Original Message-----
> From: George McLaughlin [mailto:George.McLaughlin at aarnet.edu.au]
> Sent: Monday, 15 July 2002 12:50 PM
> To: news-l at aarnet.edu.au
> Subject: [NEWS-L] Next round of Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6)
> workshops
> AARNet News  15 July 2002
> Next round of Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) workshops
> As a result of the overwhelming response to participate in
> the IPv6 workshops that were held at the end of June (all three
> workshops were fully subscribed within 10 days of the initial 
> announcement), AARNet and GrangeNet are organising further 
> IPv6 workshops to ensure that as many of our members as possible 
> are able to attend, particularly those that were not able to 
> secure a place in the June sessions.  Please register early to 
> secure a place in this round.
> With the exception of the Canberra workshop (which is already 
> underway) the dates are tentative and may vary depending on local 
> circumstances. Similarly, with the exception of the Canberra 
> workshop, venues have yet to be determined.
>    Canberra 15/16 July
>      - CSIRO Conference Centre, Limestone Avenue
>      - a further Canberra workshop will be scheduled if 
>        numbers justify
>    Melbourne 13/14 Aug 
>    Perth 17/18 Sep 
>    Sydney 1/2 Oct 
>    Brisbane 15/16 Oct 
>    Adelaide 29/30 Oct
> These workshops require a minimum of 12 and a maximum of 18 
> participants. If there is sufficient demand, a second workshop 
> will be held probably immediately following the first.
> These will again be intense 2-day hands-on workshops where 
> participants will be required to bring a laptop (Unix/Windows) on 
> which to run an IPv6 stack. By the end of the workshop, participants 
> will be able to engineer an IPv6 network within their campus or 
> organisation.
> Topics will again include: 
>  - Router Configuration
>  - BGP Configuration: Participants will configure BGP sessions
>    between the campus and core routers. 
>  - Addressing: How addressing works, what types of addressing 
>    schemes are possible given the number of addresses available, 
>    how allocations are made, and current best practices. 
>  - Bind configuration: How to populate a server with AAAA records, 
>    and how to configure it to perform both forward and reverse 
>    lookups. Discuss best    practices, bind versions required, and 
>    potential pitfalls.
>  - Application Space: Participants will set up IPv6-aware servers, 
>    including HTTP and Mail. By the end of the session, participants 
>    will be able to send and receive mail, telnet or ssh and use web 
>    access over IPv6 transport. 
>  - Transition Issues: How to make your IPv6 network IPv4-aware 
>    and vice versa? How extensively can you do dual stack 
>    implementations and where do you need to do translation? 
>  - Discussion Issues: Several aspects of IPv6 will be covered 
> in detail.
>    Among them are the effects of multihoming, how auto-configuration 
>    affects network administrators and network management. 
>  - Services: What IPv6 services should be offered?  What are the 
>    best known practices for distributing IPv6 throughout a campus 
>    or state network? 
> The workshops will be given by John Barlow, Advanced Communications 
> Services Coordinator for GrangeNet, based on those given in June by
> Dale Finkelson, Chair Ipv6 Working Group Internet2, and Brent 
> Sweeney, 
> Senior Engineer at the Abilene (Internet2) Network Operations Cent à  re. 
> ---------------------------------------------------
> Each workshop will be limited to between 12 and 18 attendees 
> - register early to ensure a place at:
> http://www.aarnet.edu.au/rd/advanced-internet-workshops/aiw02-2/
> or request a registration form by emailing
> internetworkshop at aarnet.edu.au
> Preference will be given to applicants from AARNet member institutions
> and from those organisations that will participate in GrangeNet.
> Cost: 
> Participants from AARNet Member Organisations: $440 (inc GST)
> Participants from other organisations: $660 (inc GST).
> --------------------------------------------------------
> -- 
>  Published by:
>  George McLaughlin, Executive Director
>  AARNet Pty Ltd (ACN 084 540 518)
>  Post: GPO Box 1142, Canberra ACT 2601, Australia
>  Tel: (02) 6276 6900  (international: +61 2 6276 6900)
>  Email: inquiries at aarnet.edu.au
>  Web: http://www.aarnet.edu.au/
>  Copyright (C) AARNet Pty Ltd, 2002.
>  Unlimited rights are granted to AARNet member institutions.
> --
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