(Archive Copy) Re[2]: [MLB-WIRELESS] PGP message problem?

Rowan Wainwright-Smith Rowan at teleaudit.com
Thu Jul 11 09:09:57 EST 2002

I have just recently updated from Netscape 4.7x to 6.2 at it seems so 
far to work really well.... it has its quirks, but them what program 
does not???

I seem to quite happily be able to read all the signed messaged. Have 
not encountered any such problems.... YET!  :)

just my 2c worth.


evilbunny wrote:

>Hello Michael,
>Mine's X.509 mime cert not pgp...
>try a better email program, OE has been the biggest plague of the last
>2yrs or so with virus propagation etc...

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