[MLB-WIRELESS] *nix system for begginers

Matt Pearce mattpearce at optushome.com.au
Mon Jul 8 12:26:31 EST 2002

Hi All,

Just thought I would put this recommendation out for all of you have are playing with wireless gear and want to setup a *nix (Linux, Unix etc) based os.  I would have to personally recommend FreeBSD.  I had been playing unsuccessfully with Red Hat for about a year + now with nothing really to show for it.  And after a recommendation from Andrew Dean(user on the MW list) I had a look at FreeBSD.  From there it was mostly downhill.  You can set it up relativly easy and there is full documentation on the basics that you can download, and by full documentation I mean it is the electronic version of the manual they sell in shops worth about $80 and its free online.

There is also a guide on how to setup wireless cards in an AP (they use onrinocco's for the example) which is rather straight forward.  I have even found that compiling the Kernel is very easy and the syntax is fairly clear for the commands.

It has X-Windows in it but I havnt touched it and thus cant make any recommendations about it.  Below are a few links that people might find helpful

FreeBSD Web Site:


Good Austalian Download Site: (I can get 700kB/sec from here with optus cable :-) )


The FreeBSD Handbook


AP Setup Guide


Hope this helps someone out there and if you need any help email me and I will see what I can do


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