FW: [MLB-WIRELESS] Galaxy Units

Shane Chubb s.chubb at tronics.com.au
Thu Jan 31 08:34:46 EST 2002

Galaxy Units UPDATE.
I will be meeting with the people regarding the galaxy Units tonight.
Went to see them last night but they were unavailable.
Also I will be taking the following list with me:

username			email
18Dbi			24Dbi
Robert Farrar		robert at secnet.com.au		4
lkhoo at csc.com.au		lkhoo at csc.com.au
1			0
Grokk				grokk at optushome.com.au		1
simmans at datafast.net.au	simmans at datafast.net.au		1or2
Dean Hentscher		dean at skillwest.org.au		2
Michael Korolew		admin at gridlocked.net		0
Fixed				fixed.geo at yahoo.com		0
Anderson, Steven		SAnderso at pacificaccess.com.au	1
Anthony M			anthony at clickfromreality.com	1
Dale oliver			intensity at optushome.com.au	or 1 if
no 24s	1
Will Lanigan		chooken at m00t.cjb.net		2ofeither
Hamish Moffatt		hamish at cloud.net.au		?

If you would like to add or change anything to this list please do so
and forward it back to me (VIA DIRECT MAIL - not to the list).  I will
take all changes which reach me before 5pm and recompile the table.

I will also grab some photo's from them and post them somewhere.
Hopefully this will help resolve the questions such as 'How do you tell
the difference between an 18 and a 24'


Shane Chubb 
Network Manager
Tronics Pty Ltd
Ph.(03) 94642400
Fax. (03) 94642538
s.chubb at tronics.com.au 

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