[MLB-WIRELESS] through the looking glass

Greg Lane lanes at iinet.net.au
Fri Jan 18 11:53:27 EST 2002

The building where I used to work we had a antenna inside pointing to a
location about 2km away. We got a really nice signal with loss cause of the


----- Original Message -----
From: "Shane Chubb" <s.chubb at tronics.com.au>
To: <melbwireless at melbwireless.dyndns.org>
Sent: Friday, January 18, 2002 7:32 AM
Subject: RE: [MLB-WIRELESS] through the looking glass

> Most buildings would be using double glazed glass. Which is basically a
> layer of glass then a pocket of air then another layer of glass. This
> provides noise and heat reduction.  I would imagine your main concern
> would be if there was some sort of tint on the glass.  From the outside
> is the glass perfectly clear? (most likely not).  The tint could be a
> plastic/acrylic based tint which should not interfere too much as it is
> quite thin, however on buildings a metal tint is more commonly used as
> it also provides an additional heat reduction (being reflective) Metal
> tints don't necessarily look shiny or metallic they can look black, grey
> or any colour you can imagine.  The metal tint would pose more concern
> as it may reflect some of the signal.  From experience with metallic
> surfaces, the signal does get bounced quite strongly.
> I don't know if you are going to be able to find all of this out (if
> there is a metal tint or not) so the best bet would be to give it a go.
> Microwave signal reflected back into the room - If we see a man roasted
> in his living room on the news, we know it was you.
> As a small test i have heard that by using a pair or genuine "Polaroid"
> glasses, you can see the tint clearer and from this you can tell if it
> is an acrylic tint or a metallic one.
> Shane
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Matthew Boyd [mailto:Matthew.C.Boyd at uts.edu.au]
> Sent: Friday, 18 January 2002 10:09 AM
> To: melbwireless at melbwireless.dyndns.org
> Subject: Re: [MLB-WIRELESS] through the looking glass
> > Does anybody know what effect a pane or two of clear glass has on
> > 2.5 gh
> > transmissons?
> >
> > In city buildings for example it is not always possible to mount
> > an
> > antenna outside the building.
> Could try putting a bit of glass in the microwave, thats what the
> suggestion has been with antenna plastics. But you'd probably have
> trouble finding a bit of the glass they use in those buildings. It
> probably has a layer of plastic sandwiched between two plates of glass,
> that could interfere, not to mention possible metallic coatings on the
> glass as part of the tinting. But its not very thick.. hell I don't
> know I guess.
> Matt
> >
> > ta
> >
> >
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