[MLB-WIRELESS] Power output of 100mw card and helical

Tony Langdon, VK3JED vk3jed at optushome.com.au
Wed Jan 16 23:29:50 EST 2002

At 10:08 PM 16/01/2002 +1100, you wrote:

>Short question for the techy guys.
>I've got a 100Mw card, planning on using an 18db (gain) antenna
>(helical) probably 10-15m of cable to the antenna. I'm not very good
>with the loss calculations but I'm a little concerned I'm going to be
>over the output limit with that setup (based on a message along these
>lines yesterday..ish)

Think you'll be fine.

Your card plus antenna add up to 38 dBm, but you'll lose a few dB in the 
coax which will berng you back into the legal territory below 36 dBm. :)

73 de Tony, VK3JED
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