[MLB-WIRELESS] Internet Feed offer.

Adam Neat adam.neat at agn-consulting.com
Tue Jan 15 10:53:31 EST 2002

Are you serious? Illegal sharing of commercial packages over an illegal
shared-internet infrastructure???!!!???

>-----Original Message-----
>From: fredrick farnsworth [mailto:myfreewarez2000 at yahoo.com]
>Sent: Tuesday, 15 January 2002 10:39 AM
>To: melbwireless at melbwireless.dyndns.org
>Subject: RE: [MLB-WIRELESS] Internet Feed offer.
>I doubt you will ever get 200 11mbs connections, luck
>if there will only be a handfull.
>Most people will get sub 1 mbit connections. Probable
>about 90%.
>You cannot compare melbourne to what happens in som
>densely populated cities else where, where there would
>be 50+ nodes in 500-1000 meters range.  Melbourne is a
>very spread out city with hills and troughs.
>Like i said before you would be surprized what
>backbone small isp's actually have,  512K is heaps.
>I would like to for a Leech warez group, get a few
>people together, the cost will become small..
>The carrier lic you can get around, we are not
>reselling the service, all we are doing as getting a
>group of people together to share cost, not becoming a
>business entity to carry data for "other access" the
>group of people are getting the service for their own
>use.. And i believe this is the Key.
>Either that or we get 10 or so people who have
>cable/adsl connections, create a common repository of
>Files collected and proxy that of to the wireless
>group for share warez.
>--- adamneat <adam.neat at agn-consulting.com> wrote:
>> <shakes head>
>> 200 perm 11Mbs connections all trying to access the
>> 'Net via a 512K ? An ISP
>> with 200 56K dialups and a 512K line should be
>> dragged over the coals for
>> dodgy/poor service; 200 3-6Mbs Wireless connections
>> is just 10 times worse.
>> Read through the other mail threads today on this
>> whole issue. Unless you're
>> wanting to pay for the carrier license and Melbourne
>> Wireless leech of that,
>> you're idea won't fly.
>> Someone mentioned earlier ( I think it was Tony)
>> that this is an Intranet,
>> NOT an Internet service. You cannot traverse
>> non-licensed networks with
>> Internet / 3rd party data.
>> Adam
>> >-----Original Message-----
>> >From: fredrick farnsworth
>> [mailto:myfreewarez2000 at yahoo.com]
>> >Sent: Monday, 14 January 2002 2:18 PM
>> >To: melbwireless at melbwireless.dyndns.org
>> >Subject: RE: [MLB-WIRELESS] Internet Feed offer.
>> >
>> >
>> >My testing with 802.11b stuff show me severe speed
>> >degredation with distance.
>> >Perfect Line Of site is ok for 1-2 km at 3-6 m/bit
>> >Anything more you start getting sub 1 mbit speeds.
>> >Just not worth the trouble.
>> >at least with 11a you start with a base rate 5 time
>> >faster.  Just waiting to get my hands on a access
>> >point and cards to play with.
>> >
>> >"nobody mention internet"?  why, what else is this
>> >syetm for?  You have to be kidding with that
>> >statement, We can get internet leggally, we just
>> have
>> >to pay for it. And we can get it at a wholesale
>> price,
>> >off set cost maybe with some advertising and small
>> >proxy fees.  Most small ISP don't even have 512K!
>> >It will only cost about $40K per year, may be just
>> >under, That is very cheap.  Say spread it amongst
>> 200
>> >users, thats only $200 per year each! Unlimited
>> Hours
>> >24/7, not bye counting, what a deal!!!
>> >
>> >--- "ABBENHUYS, Ryan" <rabbenhuys at mfbb.vic.gov.au>
>> >wrote:
>> >> nobody even bother mentioning the word "Internet"
>> >>
>> >> more trouble than it's worth at this point and
>> will
>> >> most likely attract
>> >> undesirables.
>> >>
>> >> So 802.11b will be obselete soon and creating any
>> >> network with 802.11b is a
>> >> joke?
>> >> You sure bout that?
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> -----Original Message-----
>> >> From: fredrick farnsworth
>> >> [mailto:myfreewarez2000 at yahoo.com]
>> >> Sent: Monday, 14 January 2002 13:09
>> >>
>> >> I can set up a Node/Proxy with Internet Feed,
>> about
>> >> 512K  No Byte Charges,  Just a Fixed Bandwisth
>> Cost.
>> >> But I will setup only a 802.11a spec, as 802.11b
>> >> will
>> >> be obsolete soon, and speed quickly degrades with
>> >> distance making a WAN type network with  802.11b
>> a
>> >> joke.
>> >> Is anyone Interested in this?
>> >> I can get a good pricing on this.
>> >>
>> >> Fredrick.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
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>> >>
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>> >> Emergency Services Board.
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>> >
>> >
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