[MLB-WIRELESS] grumpy people - harumph

Clae clae13 at yahoo.com
Thu Jan 10 14:09:40 EST 2002


>-----Original Message-----
>From: Lucas Lozo [mailto:lucas.lozo at cdt.com.au]
>Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2002 2:25 PM
>To: melbwireless at melbwireless.dyndns.org
>Subject: RE: [MLB-WIRELESS] grumpy people

>or what ever, you will have a group of people that will have no service,
>or poor service.
>Their Customers get pissed with poor service and move over to dearer
>providers, irrespective that the access was cheap or free.

this is not a service.  there is no "service provider".  daddy is not 
building this for you, nor is telstra.  there is no minimum 
performance contract, nor any acceptable use policy.  you are not a 
customer, you are a citizen.  *we* are building it *together* and it 
will be what we make it.  join in the game if you will.

what *it* is will probably vary from one person to the next, one node 
to the next, one area to the next, one distributed virtual private 
network to the next.  the way i see it, no-one is obliged to even be 
interoperable at the basic level.  there are people on this list 
setting up closed point-to-point links, and others wanting to set up 
totally public nodes.  you can all go back to tin cans and string if 
you like.  or you can join in.  whatever you prefer.

>Don't get me wrong, i think the concept is great, but without some
>guidlines, control and admin,

ah yes, that's what lenin told the anarchists in '17 comrade

>as well as some fixed infrastructure (and
>this cannot be created with a cost) they whole project will eventually

yeah, just like all those other wireless community freenets in 
sanfran, tuscon, etc etc etc

fear is the mind killer

>My place of work //
>have just ordered and soon to be installed a Wireless Internet service,
>however in looking into wireless technology, to get a reliable service
>going, it is not a sub $500 project, but will in reality cost close to

it is a sub $500 project for a home user.  this has been done 
hundreds of time around the world.  these systems are in operation 
today in hundreds of sites.

>Then there our council Bylaws to comply with such as maximum height of
>antenna, height that require a permit, etc etc etc. these all cost $$$.
>At the end of the day, you get what you pay for.

no, in this country, you get what telstra/kerry packer decides you 
will pay ten times too much for.

and if you don't vote, you get the governement you deserve.  and if 
you're not involved in the community, you get the society you deserve.

>I also remember when I first got onto Telstra Cable, It was a great
>service when it first started, (I got into it when it was still Beta
>test ), Initial marketing was 100 times the speed of a 33k modem, all
>local traffic free, all email traffic free etc etc, and in the early
>days it did deliver what they claimed, a few years down the track,
>Nothing is free on it, Banned local traffic, charging on all traffic
>including email, so even when telstra mail you a notification, you get
>charged, speed, oh what a joke that is now, telstra capped the speed
>256Krec 64K send, (on the basic plan) and at many times transfer speed
>is worse than a 56K modem. And this all happened on a comercial high
>priced "service"!

and this is your argument for dissing a self-managed community enterprise???

the telstra cable debacle is what got a lot of us interested in this 
project in the first place.  their blatant gouging and betrayal of 
their customers was arguably illegal, and the "last straw" example of 
the corporate control of bandwidth in this country.

>So just how many people are actively using the wirelass lan now? how
>many last month?

the way i look at the critical mass thing is this:  so maybe we have 
300 "interested" and 20 odd operational.  six months ago that was 
more like 20:0.  is this not a good thing?  and assuming this does go 
geometric for a while, what's that six months out from today - 
2,000:200 ?  or better?



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