[MLB-WIRELESS] Reflectors and Repeaters

Tony Langdon, VK3JED vk3jed at optushome.com.au
Thu Jan 3 19:56:05 EST 2002

At 07:37 PM 3/01/2002 +1100, you wrote:

>Tony, can you find out the details of this? I can't see why there
>should be any 32 dB constant involved. I think it should be
>simple as receive antenna gain minus cable loss plus transmit
>antenna gain.

I'll see if I can, but that's what I recall from seeing the formula.

>This arrangement can even appear to have some gain -- which
>is possible if the transmit antenna has narrower beamwidth
>than the receive antenna.

Well, if both antennas have a lot of gain, it will definitely appear to 
have more gain...

73 de Tony, VK3JED
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