[MLB-WIRELESS] Reflectors and Repeaters

Tony Langdon, VK3JED vk3jed at optushome.com.au
Thu Jan 3 18:55:14 EST 2002

At 04:07 PM 3/01/2002 +1100, you wrote:

>Also found this little gem about building a 2.4Ghz bidirectional amp.

Keep in mind anything home made will _not_ be type approved.  That's fine 
is you fall into one of the below categories:

1.  Radio amateur (and operating the thing under the terms of the 
appropriate licence).
2.  You're not bothered by legalities and the prospect of a stiff fine.

However, with talk of trying to get local Government onside, I don't think 
#2 is a good path to take.  I suspect councils would take a dim view of 
networks running illegal equipment. :-)

However, for a private, detached point - point link, it's your call...

73 de Tony, VK3JED
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