[MLB-WIRELESS] *** Monthly meet! BBQ! ***

Tony Langdon, VK3JED vk3jed at optushome.com.au
Wed Jan 2 18:16:37 EST 2002

At 05:51 PM 2/01/2002 +1100, you wrote:

> > Just a thought - I don't have any problems with a "cover
> > charge" to offset the cost of the food.  Or even a
> > donation pot that we can leave something in.
>The suggestion was that you might want to bring *one* item: a pack of paper
>plates; a tray of sausages; a bottle of soft-drink; etc.  However, if you
>would like to donate some cash, feel free to do so.  I will accept only what
>is required to cover costs, any extra will go into "general revenue" for the

Sounds good.  Money is easier for me, if I come direct from work.  That's 
all up in the air.

>Are people adverse or at ease with these ideas?  Should we schedule a vote
>on a committee for the February 8th 2002 meeting?  Should we form a
>Your feedback is appreciated...

It may make some aspects of the networking simpler, from a legal 
POV.  Though, I'm not a lawyer (and don't play one on the Net).

73 de Tony, VK3JED
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