[MLB-WIRELESS] Long link - problems?

Glen Brunning bchild at wireless.org.au
Tue Dec 17 13:50:09 EST 2002

Hi Ben,

I have 2 nodes establishing a link that run directly parrellel to high tension
power lines in the northern suburbs, I get np's that I found, I have been able to
make links even standing right under them just using a laptop to a omni over
1.5km's away, well 1.4km's anywayz.  I have a omni and a directional link running
sorta I'd say it would all depend on the equipment and the conditions, best way is
to try it and find out.

>the link SHOULD have LOS, but will pass directly through some high-voltage
>powerlines. Will this cause any problems with link stability/speed, or even
>the ability to get the link up?

>Has anyone got a LOS link running through a high-voltage area?
Glen Brunning
Hardware Tech
Melbourne Wireless Inc

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