[MLB-WIRELESS] [Fwd: [fn-tech] Pebble Linux Distro release]

Drew drew at wireless.org.au
Mon Dec 16 11:12:48 EST 2002

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [fn-tech] Pebble Linux Distro release
Date: Sun, 15 Dec 2002 11:01:43 -0500
From: Terry Schmidt <terry at nycwireless.net>
Reply-To: fn-tech at freenetworks.org
To: nycwireless at lists.spack.org;, fn-tech at freenetworks.org

I've made a smallish (~40mb) Linux distro with NoCat, DJBDNS, HostAP, 
Debian, and more.  It works on the Soekris net4501, Soekris net4521, 
Stylistic 1000, and more.  One of it's biggest benefit is that it is a 
read-only system, so you can unplug and reboot as much as you want 
without fearing data loss.  Comments, bug reports, requests, etc, are 
welcome.  --Terry

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