[MLB-WIRELESS] Help! Me set up Hoppers first active Node!

Jason Tedesco jason at CarpeDiem.ChristianIT.net
Tue Dec 10 09:13:41 EST 2002

  I'm in the middle of setting up a node in Werribee South, just waiting for my equipment to arrive.  I am going to buy an Dlink 900+ AP from Vak, so I'll let you know how that goes.  I'm willing to lend a hand and we can see if there is line of sight from your node to mine.


On Mon, Dec 09, 2002 at 04:17:06PM +1100, Tony Langdon wrote:
> After about.. Oh, ages, I'm finally getting into gear to set up Hoppers
> Crossing's first Active node.  Here's what I need to do:
>  - Get an appropriate antenna (I have an ex-Galaxy antenna in the shed that
> needs mod'ing, but would also like to get an omni.) 
> Talk to Troy (txrx) about the omni.... :) 
>  - Put it (them) on the roof (2 storey house, tile roof, etc.).  
> OK, could help there with a pair of hands. :)
>  - Set up an appropriate AP.  - suggestions welcome.  
> Hmm, anyone? 
> I'm going to need a lot of help with this; money, whilst not growing on
> trees, isn't too big an issue at the moment, and I'm willing to spend within
> reason.  I'm looking for any suggestions from anybody, including the best
> way to connect to the nearest active node (somewhere over the bay???),
> although that may not be possible just yet. 
> Well, you'll have to find someone close, get them interested.  At least by
> having your node up, you'll be able to act as a local focus point. 
> If anyone can volunteer time to help get this project done, I'll put on an
> Antenna raising/AP building party with BBQ etc.  Actually, might be a good
> way to get the neighbours interested in this if we hold a public demo on the
> street! 
> Well, I may be able to help as labour... :)  Keep us posted.
> ---
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