[MLB-WIRELESS] OT Seeking Paul Briggs (vipchamp at msn.com.au)

Michael_Florence at dlink.com.au Michael_Florence at dlink.com.au
Mon Dec 2 16:55:35 EST 2002


I hate to state the obvious, but have you tried contacting the Police? They can
bring criminal charges against him which costs nothing!

-Michael Florence

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Stuart Anderson [mailto:stuart.anderson at optushome.com.au]
> Sent: Sunday, 1 December 2002 01:27
> To: melbwireless at wireless.org.au; syd-wireless at lists.sydneywireless.com
> Subject: [MLB-WIRELESS] OT Seeking Paul Briggs (vipchamp at msn.com.au)
> My sad story of internet buyer beware -
> I got ripped off in a transaction in the newsgroup aus.forsale - and I
> should have seen it coming. Unfortunately, I didn't, and now I'm going
> to have to get my money back the hard way - through the courts.
> Unfortunately, to lodge a statement of claim, I require a real name and
> a real address. Which none of the agencies involved can legally give me
> due to privacy laws. The police won't help because as far as they are
> concerned it is a civil matter (your tax dollars at work). And when I
> spoke to a legal officer at the court, and said in frustration that I
> "might as well take up fraud as it seemed like an excellent way to get
> money without any fear of reprisal", he almost choked, I had to actually
> tell him that I was joking. It's starting to seem like a good idea.
> So, help me out here.
> The future defendant:
> * Paul Briggs (quite possibly a false name)
> * Resides in Melbourne, quite possibly he lives or works near
> Tullamarine.
> * vipchamp at msn.com
> * Bank account details:
> Branch: National Bank, Tullamarine
> BSB: 083451
> Account #: 048488156
> If anyone can point me in the direction of Paul (ie. give his
> residential or work address, or information that can lead me to him) I
> am happy to make it worth your while. I can claim any legitimate
> expenses incurred in locating Mr Briggs through the courts. If you're
> cheaper than a private investigator then you are still affordable to me.
> If you work at the National, and wish to help me out, then I would be
> happy to discuss the matter with you.
> If anyone wishes to offer to break Paul's legs for a reasonable sum,
> feel free to do so. Although I'd rather not throw good money after bad.
> If anyone wishes to flame, laugh at or generally deride me, please do
> so. Just don't be as dumb as I was, and learn from my mistake.
> Regards,
> Stuart Anderson.

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