[MLB-WIRELESS] Regional Groups

James Healy jimmy at deefa.com
Tue Aug 27 00:25:21 EST 2002

bugger.. knew there was another comment i wanted to make..

although topographical regions are important, we also need to consider
the natural groupings that have already stared to form. no RG is ever
going to have LOS for the entire RG, so it isn't always that important.
Well established groups (like innernorth and the east one that keeps
changing names!) were formed cos people who lived close together wanted
to help each other.

(just noticed a new RG - north east.. w00t..)

and on that note, is anyone in the central area interested in started a
RG? I know of some people, like EAI, CIA, BCG and some others that would
prolly fit into this area (if not strictly geographically, then
definitely with LOS), and who have already been very active.

my 2c


On Mon, 2002-08-26 at 20:53, tyson at www.wireless.org.au wrote:
> Hey all,
> As mentioned at the last meeting, I've drafted up some rough regional group (RG) 
> boundaries.  These by no means govern which RG you should join, they are simply a 
> helpful guide as to which RG may be best to get involved with.  I've taken an 
> educated guess as to where the major ridgelines are that divide Melbourne, based on 
> topographic features.  If there are people with better local knowledge that can 
> point out any major faults with these proposed boundaries, then please do so.  Some 
> areas have no names, others are poorly named - feel free to suggest names for your 
> region.
> These boundaries are only a guide, obviously if the map shows you to be in one 
> region but you have better line of sight to nodes in another region, then use some 
> common sense and select the best RG to become involved with.  People on the top of 
> hills or ridges may want to get involved with multiple groups in order to assist 
> with inter-RG connectivity.
> The proposed boundaries can be viewed at:
> http://melbourne.wireless.org.au/go/?RGBoundaries
> Regards,
> Tyson with assistance from Ryan (Sneeze).
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That way, when you criticise them, you're a mile away and you have their
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