[MLB-WIRELESS] list 'from' address...

vk3jed at optusnet.com.au vk3jed at optusnet.com.au
Sun Aug 25 19:17:56 EST 2002

This is a matter of personal opinion and many many flame wars.
Please do NOT bring it up again, as we're sticking with what we have,
and you can look in the archives if you wish to learn peoples'
opinions on this matter.

Agreed.  Good way to start a Holy War.  Let's drop it. :)

To creep back on topic, I'm almost finished modifying my Pacific
Monolithics Galaxy antenna (just got to finish putting the N connector on
it and put it back together.  I've done it a slightly different way to what
Barry has put on his web site.  My technique has a few advantages:

1.  It leaves the downconverter intact (so it can be used for things like
receiving AO-40 :) ).

2.  It minimises the length of unshielded wire running out of the coax,
which can have weird effects at 2.4 GHz.

3.  I can run RG 213 to the dipole, instead of RG 58, so it should have
less loss and (in theory) better performance.

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