[MLB-WIRELESS] How to repair a Bios or two

Vincent Chin nukiez at hotmail.com
Fri Aug 23 14:58:17 EST 2002

Try an ISA video card, you might get video if you are lucky,

Bios reprogramming tool, like uniflash is good, I used it quite a lot, once. 
But you have to learn bios hotswappin.

If you have tried all sorts of way and none help, the last resort would be 
downloading your bios file, then bring it together with your BIOS 
chip(eeprom) to a "GOOD" Playstation Modchippers. They usually have the 
tools to do reprogram your chip. I once did it 3yrs ago, costs $25. Contact 
someone called Louwe in Auburn,Melbourne, can't remember the address but his 
famous modchip ads used to appear in Trading Post, I don't know if he's 
still in it.

From: Paul van den Bergen <paul at serc.rmit.edu.au>
To: melbwireless at wireless.org.au
Subject: [MLB-WIRELESS] How to repair a Bios or two
Date: Fri, 23 Aug 2002 11:47:34 +1000

Hi all,

Those who know me will know that occasionally I go through clumsy
phases...  during one of these phases about a year or so ago I managed
to kill the BIOS chips on two motherboards - lets call them A and B[1].
  since then I have been deperately trying to fix them - that means I
have done nothing about it until last week when I got the courage up to
attemtp a bios boot block/floppy drive repair...

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