[MLB-WIRELESS] more dumb questions

Steve Wright paua at quicksilver.net.nz
Thu Aug 22 09:40:27 EST 2002


I found more answers at these excellant documents ;


I understand that ;

BSS mode prevents AP users 'seeing' each other.

ESS mode allows users to connect to each other (with no control over it????)

IBSS mode is a free-for-all, dog-eat-cat/cat-eat-dog - hack-or-be-hacked 
(reminds me of robocode.http://robocode.alphaworks.ibm.com/home/home.html

Which in turn raises more questions ;

1.) On a single AP In ESS mode, can I still segment the users into 
'classes' so they can 'see' only other users that are allowed ?

2.)  How do I link an IBSS mesh to to a BSS/ESS AP with causing chaos ? 
 (A mesh of IBSS Windows-clients will be a wild ride..)

3.)  In BSS mode, is preventing clients communicating with each other a 
function of the wireless gear/driver, or the operating system ?

4.)  On a single A/P in BSS mode, to what extent does the perception of 
'speed' deteriorate with additional users ?

5.)  On a single AP in BSS mode, how to users manage their 'channels' ? 
 or is this automagically done.


Some clients want to VPN out to their ISP, and do not want others on the 
wlan to 'see' their machine AT ALL.

Some clients want a little virtual network with 3 sites linked together 
like they were on a local hub/switch/10BT.


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