[MLB-WIRELESS] introduction - first posting

jimmy at deefa.com jimmy at deefa.com
Wed Aug 21 14:28:12 EST 2002

You've certainly done all your research!

> How many users can connect to the AP when the AP is just *one* 
> card/antenna  ?

Would 20 sound reasonable to others? presuming your using an omni.

> What routing requirements there are between the WiFi Cards themselves.. 
> Is this still at the WiFi level, or are we up the TCP/IP level yet?

as far as i know, not really any routing at a hardware level, so you have
to do it with tcp/ip. If your just setting up static routes, not really all
that difficult in linux.. (as you'd know :-p)

> If my posting is O/T in this forum, please advise.

I would say its very on topic :-)



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